What PEP TALK do you need today?

Hey, overthinker! I see you there, making everything harder than it has to be. Chances are you want everything to be perfect, because that’s the only way it feels safe to be seen. 👀

Simple needs to be your new best friend for the next little bit, so that you can keep moving forward with your goals. We're not focusing on the next 27 steps, okay? Focus on 1 thing and complete it. Momentum is a powerful tool, so it's time to close the loop on something and let that wave of feel-good productive energy carry you into what's next. 🚀 

👇 I've got the perfect pep talk to light that fire under you today. You ready?


Click play on your personalized pep talk!

I'm a serial overcomplicator. To the point where it's been a recurring theme in my business for over a decade. I find it so difficult to close the loop on some of my ideas because I always want to take it one step further! (And by the way, this quiz was once just an idea that collected dust on my to do list, but I continued to move through all the little steps (and let me tell ya, there are many!) because I believed in it, and it was important to me.) 

My FAVOURITE quote has always been "go the extra mile for it is never crowded." But for an overcomplicator that basically translates to "why climb one mountain when you can climb three at a time?" And when you combine that with a dose of perfectionism (I was the kid with the perfect gel pen notes in class, just to set the scene) now we're talking major goal disruption and never ending lists of ideas that never get fully acted on...

You are me and I am you.

The goal here is to find that feeling of momentum. You'll know you've found it when you feel a wave of free motivation after doing something. You know when you're playing Mario Kart and you pull up behind another racer and catch that sweet, sweet draft? That'll be you when you start to cross things off your list. 

And speaking of your list, as an overcomplicator you've gotta be on the lookout for tasks you can skip altogether, or places where your 85% is good enough. I know that's going against everything your inner perfectionist believes, but truuuuust me here, done is better than perfect. 

Instead, let's keep it simple.

Less this → 

More this → 

Less this:

More this:

This episode dives into complications and imaginary hurdles you put in your own way, for a number of reasons. I’m talking about how to sniff them out, how to jump over or ignore them, and why you might want to get scrappy and creative with what you already have. 

Ideas are great, and they’re what got you here in the first place. But simplicity is king and it might not come naturally for you. Here’s how we can fix it! 

A hand-picked podcast episode for you today:

Episode 88: Are You Overcomplicating?

EP. 88

Check it out

This won't be the final iteration. You're building the first (or second, or third, or twentieth) draft of something that will evolve and change many more times. Don't get lost in the details of it. Move forward and hit publish. 

Go into a state of deeply focused work and tie up the loose ends. Make it feel worthy of your time to cross the t's and dot the i's. This is not your final version, but it is an important step in getting you to what comes next.

Deep down you might be delaying these little touches because... then what? You'll have to actually do the thing, not just continue talking about it or preparing for it. The doing might seem scary, but this is exactly what it's supposed to feel like. 

Gentle reminder:


I'm Laura Kelly, a life & business coach living in Ottawa, Canada with my husband (we've been together since we were 17!) and our two kiddos, Cooper and Jilly. 

My daughter may or may not have been named after one of the Real Housewives of New York, which should help to set the tone for my deep, deep love of reality television.

I've been self-employed since I was 21, when I quit my job as a legal assistant to pursue photography full time. In 2018 I realized I had built that business beyond my wildest dreams, and I knew I was ready for a new challenge. Now, I help people like you discover how to quiet their self-doubt so they can fearlessly go after their next goal.

I'm big on romanticizing life, celebrating progress of all sizes, and the impact of long-haul personal development vs. focusing on quick fixes.

Call me LK, or call me "Coach"

There's nothing better than feeling READY to level-up, but it can also be scary! In this ep we'll deep dive growth & discomfort. You'll love it.

Other eps you might love:

Episode 96: Ready To Level Up

EP. 96

Check it out

This is one of the most jam-packed episodes when it comes to usable takeaways to improve your life and well-being.

Episode 38: THIS Is Why You Self-Sabotage

EP. 38

Check it out

You'll love the support that comes from being a member in my online community!

The best gift you can give yourself comes in the form of support.

At CHEER CAMP we layer on personal growth & development concepts each month, so that you can quiet the forces of self-doubt, comparison, and imposter syndrome, to harness the confidence to go after whatever it is that you truly care about, on your own terms, at your own pace.


I'll be popping into your inbox later this week with some more insight into how you can move forward on your goals without perfectionism and over-complications slowing you down. Trust me, that's where the magic happens, because you are wildly capable and you're unstoppable when those handcuffs come off. 🙌

Oh, and if you skipped the part where you could drop your email, fill in your details here to get it!

Email is my love language.