In episode 12 I introduced a new recurring series for the podcast, which was called 30 Days of Ryan Kelly. Shortly after, I realized this could be shortened to 30DORK, and I liked it even more.
Recapping: 30 Days of Meditation
Ryan’s first task was to complete 30 days of a meditation practise, in whatever format he chose. In this episode we debrief his experience with guided meditation and solo meditation, including some of the benefits and practical applications that might actually find a way into the everyday.
We also introduce his NEXT challenge!
Introducing: 30 Days of One Second Every Day
Sounds easy, but that might be because I’m an active auto-documentarian (someone who captures their life on a super regular basis through photos and videos.) But Ryan Kelly is the kind of guy who only has 150 photos in his camera roll, most of which are either screenshots of recipes, or Reddit memes to send to the bros.
For the next 30 days, he’ll be using an app called “One Second Every Day” to capture a daily video clip. At the end of it, he’ll have 30 seconds of footage, and hopefully some sort of profound lessons about life (one can hope.)
Midway through this episode I promised to include one of Scott Hurren’s videos, since he’s the one who turned us on to this idea! He’s been capturing one second every day for over a YEAR. Here’s a favourite of Scotts:
I invite you to follow along with this monthly challenge! And PLEASE send me your video at the end because I plan on sharing them here on the blog once Ry returns to share about his experience.
Episode 18 – 30 Days of Meditation: Finite Focus, Substantial Impact
We’re checking in with Ryan Kelly after his 30 day voyage into the sacred art of meditation — did he do it? And did he learn anything that he’ll carry into his everyday life? PLUS, we’re introducing the next challenge! But before you think it’s easy, be warned that @therealrkells is far from being #instafamous…
I am inviting you to take part in this challenge as well, so tune in for the details! If visualization can be used as a way to trigger memories, this might be your most memorable month ever.
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